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Days of the Week

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Basics on the topic Days of the Week

Days of the Week

Do you know what day it is today? Did you go to school today? Or is it the weekend? Maybe at home or at school you have seen a days of the week poster or a days of the week clock, so you might know some of the days of the week. Do you know all of the names of the days of the week? Let’s find out more below.

Weekdays and Weekend Days

There are 7 days of the week. There are five weekdays and two days that make up the weekend. If you have been to school today it is probably a weekday.

The weekdays are:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday

The two weekend days are:

  • Saturday
  • Sunday

That is seven days altogether! You may have noticed that days of the week are capitalised and may be wondering do days of the week always have capital letters? The answer is yes, days of the week always start with capital letters.

The seven days always go in the same order. Maybe at school you sing a days of the week song (UK) to help remember the order. Let’s look more at the order of the days next.

Days of the Week – Calendars


Here we can see a chart showing the days of the week. Such an overview can also be found in a calendar. This one starts with Monday and continues through the week to Sunday. You can see the order of the days of the week which we can use to talk about what we have done and what we are going to do.

We can use the words yesterday, today and tomorrow to talk about the days of the week.

If today is Friday, you might say yesterday, on Thursday, you went to school and tomorrow, on Saturday, you are going to a birthday party.

Days of the Week – Abbreviations

Sometimes you might see the days of the week abbreviated. That means they have been shortened to a few letters to make it quicker to write. In the table below, you can see typical abbreviations for each day of the week.

Day Abbreviation
Monday Mon
Tuesday Tues
Wednesday Wed
Thursday Thur
Friday Fri
Saturday Sat
Sunday Sun

What are the Days of the Week Named after?

You may be wondering about the origin of days of the week and where they got their names. The days of the week are named after the sun, the moon and five planets.

Why Days of the Week are Important

You may be wondering about the meaning of the days of the week or why it is important to know what day it is. It is important to know the days of the week so you know where you need to be or what you need to do. We all use days of the week to organise events such as parties, to know what day we need to go to e.g. our swimming lesson amongst other reasons. Maybe you know a days of the week poem or you have a clock with the days of the week to help you. We could also use rainbow colours for days of the week to help us to remember the order.


To continue learning about days of the week, have a look at our days of the week games, days of the week worksheet, printable days of the week (PDF) and further days of the week activities.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Topic of Days of the Week (English)

Are days of the week capitalised?

Are days of the week proper nouns?

What are the 7 days’ names?

Which day is the last day of the week?

Transcript Days of the Week

"Look Zuri, what's that?" "It looks like some sort of ... egg?" "What do you think is in it?" "Maybe a bird? We should keep an egg diary to see how it changes!" Let's help Zuri and Freddie make their diary and learn all about the days of the week. What is a week? A week is made up of seven days that always come in the same order. There are five weekdays and two days that make up the weekend. The five weekdays are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These are the days we usually go to school. There are then two days that make up the weekend. These days are Saturday and Sunday. We can use words such as yesterday, today and tomorrow when talking about the days of the week. Zuri and Freddie will need to put the days of the week into their egg diary to keep track of the changes. They will need to make sure they fill in their diary in the correct order. They will find each of the seven days at the top of the page and then draw a picture of what is happening with the egg. They found the egg on Monday so this is going to be the first day in their egg diary. On Monday, Zuri drew the egg. The next day is Tuesday. "Zuri, what shall we do with the egg we found yesterday?" "I think we should make a nest for it!" "Don't forget to fill in the egg diary!" Zuri finds Tuesday at the top of the page and draws the egg in the nest. The next day, Zuri and Freddie notice that the egg has changed, it has spots! They want to record this in their diary. The day after Tuesday is Wednesday so Freddie finds Wednesday at the top of the page and draws the spotty egg. After Wednesday comes Thursday! "Do you think the egg looks a little bit cold Freddie?" "Erm... maybe?" "I thought so, so I've knitted a little hat for it!" Zuri pops the hat on the egg and finds Thursday in the diary. The next day is Friday and something exciting is happening. There are small cracks starting to appear on the egg! "I wonder what will happen tomorrow, on Saturday, Freddie!" "I'm not sure Zuri, but I know we need to fill in the diary for Friday first!" Freddie fills in the diary for Friday. On Saturday, Zuri and Freddie wake up and rush to check on the egg. There are some really big cracks starting to appear! "Do you think it will hatch today Zuri?" "I'm not sure Freddie. It could be today or it could be tomorrow." "I'm going to fill in the egg diary for today." What day does Freddie need to find in the diary? Freddie needs to find Saturday! Before we see what happens on Sunday, let's remember. Today we learnt about the days of the week. There are seven days in a week. There are five weekdays and two days that make up the weekend. The five weekdays are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The two days that make up the weekend are Saturday and Sunday. The days always come in the same order. We can use words such as yesterday, today and tomorrow when talking about the days of the week. "Woah!" "I don't think that's a bird Zuri!" "No, but it is so cute!".

Days of the Week exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Days of the Week.
  • What do you know about the days of the week?


    Look at the picture. How many days are there altogether?

    The weekdays are in orange and the weekend days are in pink.

    There are three statements that are true.


    These three statements are true.

    • There are 7 days in a week.
    • There are 5 weekdays. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
    • There are 2 days at the weekend. They are Saturday and Sunday.
    We can see that Saturday is at the weekend so the false statement was that Saturday is a weekday.

  • Can you fill in the missing days?


    Look at the days that come before and after the missing one.

    For example, what day is it if yesterday was Monday and tomorrow is Wednesday?

    Use this picture to help you.


    The missing days were Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

  • Which days are which?


    There are five weekdays and two days at the weekend.

    We usually go to school on weekdays.

    Use this picture to help you.


    The five weekdays are:

    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    The two weekend days are:

    • Saturday
    • Sunday
  • Can you put the days of the week into the correct order?


    Start with Monday. Can you remember which day comes after Monday?

    Monday is the first weekday so you need to order the five weekdays first.

    The two weekend days both start with S.

    Use this picture to help you.


    Starting with Monday, the correct order is:

    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday
  • Yesterday, today, tomorrow


    Yesterday is the day that came before. Which day comes before Friday?

    Tomorrow is the day after. Which day comes after Friday?

    Use this picture to help you see the days of the week in order.


    If today is Friday, yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow is Saturday.

  • Molly's timetable


    There are two days that Molly needs her PE kit.

    Swimming is on the last day of the week before the weekend.


    1. Molly needs to remember her PE kit on Monday and Thursday.
    2. On Tuesday, Molly needs her reading book.
    3. Friday is swimming day.
    The timetable only includes the weekdays as these are the days Molly goes to school.