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Counting on to Add

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Basics on the topic Counting on to Add

Counting On – Addition

Have you ever counted how many cuddly toys you have? Maybe you knew how many you had on your bed and then wanted to include the ones on the shelf. To find out how many you have altogether you could use the counting on strategy. What is the counting on strategy? It is a method we can use to add numbers together. Let’s learn all about the counting on method for addition by using the counting on addition strategy. This text will explain how we learn and teach counting on addition.

Addition – Counting On Strategy

What is the counting on strategy? Let’s learn more about the counting on method for addition and how to teach counting on addition with the following explanation.

One way to add numbers together is to count on. We use counting on by starting with one number in the addition problem and then counting on the amount of the second number. It's easier to start with the larger number and count on with the smaller one. The number we stop on is the answer! To help count, we can use our fingers or draw dots!

Counting On Strategy – Example

Let's try it with the example six plus two. We will start at six since it is the larger number.


The plus means we are adding so we need to count forwards. The second number is two so we count forwards two numbers. We will use the dots on the die to help, but you could always use your fingers or draw out two dots alternatively.


We count two times from six: seven, eight! Eight is the number we stopped on, so we write it next to the equals sign. This means six plus two equals eight!


Counting On in Addition – Summary of Steps

To practise this strategy, you can try counting on cards for addition, counting on dice, or both! When adding two numbers, we can count on to solve. Follow these instructions for the counting on strategy:

Step # What to do
1 Start at the larger number.
2 Count on the second number.
3 Use your fingers or draw dots
to help count the numbers out.
4 The number you stop on is the answer.
You write the answer next to the equal sign.

Have you practised with our counting on in addition worksheets yet? On this website, you can also find interactive exercises and other activities practising the counting on method. Happy counting!

Counting on to Add exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Counting on to Add.
  • Find the total by counting on.


    Use your fingers to count on.

    • First, select the bigger number. The bigger number here is 6.
    • Then, count on by adding the smaller number. The smaller number here is 2.
    • You can count on by adding 6 + 2 = 8.

    4 + 2 = 6

  • Find the sum of each problem by counting on.


    Use your fingers to count on.

    • First, select the bigger number. The bigger number here is 9.
    • Then, count on by adding the smaller number. The smaller number here is 4.
    • You can count on by adding 9 + 4 = 13.
    • 5 + 3 = 8
    • 2 + 2 = 4
    • 7 + 3 = 10
    • 9 + 5 = 14
  • Count on to find the sum of each addition problem.


    Draw dots to help you count on.

    • Draw dots to help you count on.
    • First, select the bigger number. The bigger number here is 6.
    • Then, count on by adding the smaller number. The smaller number here is 2.
    • You can count on by adding 6 + 2 = 8.
    • 4 + 3 = 7
    • 9 + 2 = 11
    • 8 + 5 = 13
    • 7 + 4 = 11
  • Find the sum of each addition problem by counting on.


    Draw dots to help you count on.

    Use your fingers to count on.

    • Draw dots or use your fingers to help you count on.
    • First, select the bigger number. The bigger number here is 6.
    • Then, count on by adding the smaller number. The smaller number here is 2.
    • You can count on by adding 6 + 2 = 8.
    • 6 + 3 = 9
    • 10+ 2 = 12
    • 5 + 2 = 7
    • 8 + 3 = 11
  • Solve 5 + 5 by counting on.


    Use your fingers to count on.

    • Since both numbers are the same, it does not matter which one you start with when counting on.
    Look at this example for 6 + 6.
    • You can count on by adding 6 + 6 = 12.

    5 + 5 does not equal 9.


    5 + 5 = 10

  • Use the "count on" strategy to add the dice.


    Draw dots to help you count on.

    • First, select the bigger number. The bigger number here is 6.
    • Then, count on by adding the smaller number. The smaller number here is 2.
    • You can count on by adding 6 + 2 = 8.

    You can use the counting on strategy to add:

    • 3 + 2 =5
    • 6 + 5 =11
    • 6 + 2 =8
    • 4 + 3 =7