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Find the Missing Digraph — Let's Practise!

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Basics on the topic Find the Missing Digraph — Let's Practise!

Join Goopaw and see if you work out which digraph is needed to spell the different words.

Transcript Find the Missing Digraph — Let's Practise!

Goopaw says get ready to practise finding the missing digraph. Remember digraphs are two letters that make one sound. These words are missing a digraph but which one? Here is an example. Snail. Which digraph is missing? Ai or ao? Ai! A I makes the A sound in snail! Let's look at another one. Pie. Which digraph is missing? Oe or ie? Ie! I E makes the I sound in pie! Here is the next word. Leaf. Which digraph is missing? Ea or ai? Ea! E a makes the E sound in leaf! Here is the next example. Glue. Which digraph is missing? Ee or ue? Ue! U E makes the oo sound in glue! Here is the last word. Boat. Which digraph is missing? Oa or ea? Oa! O A makes the O sound in boat! Goopaw had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!

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  1. 😒😒😒

    From Maddison, over 1 year ago

Find the Missing Digraph — Let's Practise! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Find the Missing Digraph — Let's Practise!.
  • Choose the correct digraph.


    Think about other words that have the same oo sound, like glue or true, and see if any of the options match.

    The word glue has the same oo sound as blue.


    The missing digraph was ue. In the word blue, ue makes the /oo/ sound.

  • Can you find the correct digraph?


    Look for words that sound like pie.

    Here we can see pictures of the words that contain the I sound.


    These words have the /ie/ digraph in them:

    • tie
    • lie
    • die
  • Matching sounds and words.


    Match each word's digraph to the sound it makes by sounding out the words slowly.

    /ai/ - Makes the 'A' sound in train.

    /ue/ - Makes the oo sound in blue.

    /oa/ - Makes the oh sound in coat.


    oa = Makes the oh sound in boat.

    ue = Makes the oo sound in true.

    ea - Makes the ee sound in read.

    ai = Makes the 'A' sound in fail.

  • Match the sounds and images.


    Say each word out loud to hear the sound of the digraph.

    Remember the words snail, leaf, boat and glue from the video to help you with the digraphs.

    1. 'A' sound = rain
    2. /ee/ sound = team
    3. /oh/ sound = coat
    4. /oo/ sound = blue
  • Help Goopaw choose the correct digraphs.


    There are different ways we can make the 'A' sound, which digraph above makes it?

    /oa/ can be seen in the word coat.

    When you hear the word nail, think about which two vowels work together to make the 'A' sound.


    In the word snail, ai makes the 'A' sound.

  • Which digraph is in each word?


    Remember the sounds associated with each digraph, such as oa making the oh sound in boat.

    Think about similar words you know, rain, pie, seat, blue and coat that have the same digraphs and sounds to help you match them correctly.


    The correct digraphs are:

    • train: ai
    • die: ie
    • statue: ue
    • bead: ea
    • goat: oa