Sentence Structure

Basics on the topic Sentence Structure
Join Dee and Kala and learn about sentence structure.
Transcript Sentence Structure
Dee and Kala are waiting in Dr. Pencil’s examination room. They found a simple sentence on the path whilst hiking around Punctuation Point. Worried it might be hurt, Dee and Kala brought it to the doctor to see if it had all the parts of a complete sentence. Let's help them examine sentence structure. You might already know that a sentence is a group of words that make a complete thought. But in order for the sentence to be complete and correct, it needs certain things to be in the right places. This is also called sentence structure. Correct sentence structure has four main parts. Let's use the example sentence, Kala and Dee go on a hike, to see each part. Sentences always begin with a capital letter in the first word. The first word in this sentence is 'Kala’, so the first letter, K, is capitalised. Sentences have a subject that names who or what the sentence is about. Here, 'Kala and Dee' is the subject because it names who the sentence talks about. Sentences also have a verb that tells us about the subject or tells us what the subject is doing. ‘Go' is the verb. The rest of the sentence tells us more about what Kala and Dee are doing. And lastly, sentences end with a punctuation mark like a full stop, exclamation mark or a question mark. This sentence is a statement so it ends with a full stop after the last word, hike. Now, let's examine the sentence that Dee and Kala brought in! Where is my dog? Remember, we need four things for a sentence to be complete. A capital letter in the first word, a subject, a verb and end punctuation! Does this sentence have a capital letter in the first word? It does! ‘Where’ is the first word and the W is capitalised. Does this sentence have a subject? Think carefully, this might be tricky. Yes! 'My dog' is the part of the sentence that names who it is about. How about a verb? It does! 'Is' is a verb and 'Where is' tells us what we want to know about the dog. Finally, does this sentence end with a punctuation mark? No! Dee and Kala's sentence is missing the punctuation mark! Which one belongs at the end: a full stop, an exclamation mark or a question mark? A question mark because this sentence is asking a question. Where is my dog? Oh no, this isn't just a sentence, it's a missing poster! Whilst Dee and Kala realise that someone has lost their pup, let's remember! Today we learnt about the structure of a simple sentence. Every sentence begins with a capital letter in the first word; has a subject; has a verb and ends with a punctuation mark. "I think that's the dog from our sentence!" "She is here!" "Let's call the phone number and tell them the sentence they've been waiting for...." "We found your dog!"
Sentence Structure exercise
How many parts are there in a complete sentence?
HintsSentences must have a capital letter at the start and punctuation at the end. What else do they need?
In this example, we can see the capital letter and full stop highlighted as well as the other important parts. How many parts altogether?
SolutionThe 4 parts that make a complete sentence are:
- a capital letter in the first word
- a subject
- a verb
- end punctuation (. ? !)
What does a sentence need to be complete?
HintsA complete sentence must have four parts.
This sentence has all of the parts.
As seen in this image, the four parts of a complete sentence are:
- a capital letter in the first word
- a subject
- a verb
- end punctuation (. ? !)
Can you help Dee find the complete sentences?
HintsCheck that the sentences have a capital letter at the beginning.
Do all of the sentences have a subject and a verb?
There are three correct answers.
SolutionThese sentences are complete:
- Kala and Dee go to school.
- Where is my friend going?
- That is amazing!
These sentences are not complete:
dee buys many toys.
- This sentence is missing a capital letter at the beginning.
- This sentence has no subject.
- This sentence is missing a question mark at the end.
What part is missing in these sentences?
HintsLook for a sentence that is missing end punctuation.
The four parts of a sentence are:
- a capital letter at the beginning
- a subject
- a verb
- end punctuation
Solution1.) Kala went to the fair.
- This sentence was missing a verb.
- This sentence was missing a capital letter at the beginning.
- This sentence was missing a subject.
- This sentence was missing end punctuation.
Which of these is a complete sentence?
HintsA sentence is a group of words.
A complete sentence has four parts.
Complete sentences have end punctuation (. ? !).
SolutionThe correct answer is My bed is big.
This is a complete sentence because it is a group of words that shows a complete thought and has:
- a capital letter at the beginning
- a subject (My bed)
- a verb (is)
- a full stop at the end
Can you find the subjects and verbs in these sentences?
HintsThe subject is who or what the sentence is about.
The verb tells us what the subject is doing.
In the example, the sentence is about Kala and Dee so that is the subject. The verb is go because it tells us what Kala and Dee are doing.
SolutionHere we can see the correctly highlighted sentence showing the subject of each in yellow and the verb of each in blue.