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Group Discussions and Class Talks: Rules and Expectations

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Basics on the topic Group Discussions and Class Talks: Rules and Expectations

Group Discussion Rules

Ground rules for group discussion are very important. They make sure everyone has a chance to talk and that you listen to each other in a respectful manner.

Ground Rules for Discussion

There are some classroom discussion rules that can help children effectively discuss. Class discussion rules should focus on taking turns, speaking and listening. Read on to learn more about classroom rules during class discussion!

Taking Turns

To take your turn, quietly and politely put your hand up and wait your turn. Taking turns also means you are being polite and respectful to people, because you are giving them a chance to be heard!



When speaking, you should face your audience and speak clearly, so they can hear you and think about what you are sharing. That way, whoever is listening to you can hear what thoughts you are sharing with the group.



To listen well, you should keep your eyes on the speaker and think about their thoughts and opinions! Doing this also shows the speaker that you respect what they have to say, and that always feels good.


Rules for Classroom Discussion - Review

Rules for discussion in the classroom should be centered around:

  • Taking turns
  • Speaking
  • Listening


Transcript Group Discussions and Class Talks: Rules and Expectations

Party planning isn't going well at all today because the penguins are all talking over each other! "Rose, you know what to do!" "Oh yes, I do!" "If we are going to plan this party, we need some rules and expectations!" Rose is going to teach us all about group discussions and class talks: rules and expectations. Rules and expectations are important because they allow for everyone to be heard and help create a respectful area to talk. When we have group discussions and class talks there needs to be rules and expectations around taking turns, speaking and listening. Let's look at taking turns first. What does taking turns look like? To take your turn, quietly and politely put your hand up and wait until it is your turn. Taking turns also means you are being polite and respectful to others, because you are giving them a chance to be heard! "Now that we know how to take turns, let's try it!" "You have to quietly and patiently wait until it is your turn and pay attention to others who are speaking whilst you wait." "When it's your turn, you can share your thinking." Now the penguins have done a fantastic job of showing us how to take turns, let's take a look at speaking! In group discussions and class talks, a rule or expectation is also needed for speaking. When speaking, you should face your audience and speak clearly, so they can hear you and think about what you are sharing. That way, whoever is listening to you can hear the thoughts you are sharing with the group. "I have some thoughts on how to properly plan this party, and I think we need to blow up the balloons first!" "See penguins, that is how we should speak clearly in our discussions and talks." And finally, we should also have rules and expectations around listening. Listening is very important, because good listeners are able to add to the discussion, or ask thoughtful questions. To listen well, you should keep your eyes on the speaker and think about their thoughts and opinion! Doing this also shows the speaker that you respect what they have to say, and that always feels good. "And by listening carefully, you know that this is a surprise party for Mr. Narwhal, so make sure to keep it a secret!" "Keep what a secret?" "The party, of course!" Before we see exactly how the party planning turned out, let's review! Remember, rules and expectations are needed around taking turns, speaking and listening! To take a turn, you can quietly and politely put your hand up and wait until it is your turn. When speaking, you should face your audience and speak clearly, so they can hear you and think about what you are sharing. To listen well, you should keep your eyes on the speaker and think about their thoughts and opinion! It looks like all of these rules and expectations for the party planning discussion really helped! "Surprise Mr. Narwhal!" "Well done, Rose, you know you can do anything!"

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  1. I love this one more 😄😁😄😁😄😁😄😁

    From Kanni, over 1 year ago

Group Discussions and Class Talks: Rules and Expectations exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Group Discussions and Class Talks: Rules and Expectations.
  • Why are rules and expectations during class discussions important?


    Creating a respectful space makes us feel safe to share our ideas.

    Everyone should have a chance to talk and be heard.


    Rules and expectations are important for class discussions to create a respectful area and so people are heard.

  • What rules and expectations should be a part of class discussions?

    • Calling out or playing with friends at the same time as someone else makes it difficult to hear what everyone is saying.

    Taking turns during class discussions gives everyone a chance to share their ideas.

    • It is important to be listening during class discussions.

    Taking turns and listening are two rules and expectations that should be a part of class discussions.

  • What does listening look like during class discussions?


    A good listener keeps their eyes on the speaker.

    There are 3 listening behaviours and 2 not listening behaviours.


    Listening during class discussions looks like:

    • Watching the speaker.
    • Thinking about what the speaker says.
    • Asking thoughtful questions.

  • If you want to share during a class discussion, what steps should you take?


    Quietly listen until it is your turn to speak.

    Face your audience so you can be heard clearly when speaking.


    If you want to share during a class discussion, you should take these steps:

    • Face your audience.
    • Quietly listen to others speak until it is your turn again.
    • Think about what you want to share.
    • Speak clearly.

  • How should we behave in group discussions?


    If you shout out during a class discussion, then you may stop others from being heard.

    Being polite during class discussions creates a respectful space.


    You should raise your hand during group discussions.

  • What should a positive class discussion look like?


    Class discussions should look like this.

    People should not be playing or shouting out during class discussions.

    There are 4 positive ways to add to class discussions.


    You can add to class discussions in a positive way by:

    • Speaking clearly.
    • Sharing your ideas.
    • Raising your hand.
    • Taking turns.